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Patty A. Berry
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 242

HTML Format TemplateDo you also look inside your kitchen cabinets all confused when you feel like eating something?I know why making a simple sandwich or ordering food online might sound intriguing in this case. But how hard can cooking yourself a feast be?You have got to try it before assuming it's bad.Don't fret because you won't have to enter that region unarmed. The Bachelor Cooks: Single Guys Introduction to Meal Planning, Preparing, and Serving has it all to empower you with some culinary independence.Inside the book, you'll find:Everything you need to know to cook from scratch, beginning with essential ingredients and equipment.The basic skills required for all of the main meals, as well as dips and snacks.A list of common kitchen mishaps and head-scratchers, ways to avoid them, and troubleshooting them when necessary.Wide selection of easy recipes appropriate for every occasion ...
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4.5 stars from 14 ratings