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SJ Blake, Sam Baron
Publisher: Baron Books llc
Pages: 395

Fans of Blake Crouch, Tananarive Due and Paul Tremblay won't want to miss this electrifying thriller, where family, power, and the relentless pursuit of justice collide in a world turned upside down.DHS Special Agent Ruth Baker's life spirals into chaos when a subway hijacking reveals a cryptic countdown and chilling disappearances. Teaming up with Detective Rafiq Husain, who shares her unnerving experiences, they unearth a sinister conspiracy tied to a quantum virus named Vinash, engineered by Ruth's late husband, Ashwin.Summoned to the White House, Ruth uncovers the horrifying truth: Vinash has been twisted into a weapon by a shadowy cabal, aimed at certain sections of people. Their pursuit leads them to Boston, where they confront the virus’s dark evolution from a cure for memory disorders into a tool for population cleansing. With an AI version of Ashwin at her side, Ruth receives a ...
Amazon Rating:
3.5 stars from 2 ratings