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Frances Mackay
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 26

Enjoy the Magic of Spooky Learning in this counting book for toddlers!Learning to count becomes as exciting as a Halloween night filled with costumes and candy in this delightful picture book filled with vibrant, funny illustrations of spooky characters.This engaging numbers book not only teaches children how to count but also sharpens their comparing, matching, and observation skills.Each page is designed to captivate and educate, featuring colourful illustrations that celebrate spookiness without being scary! From ghosts and witches to monsters and haunted houses, each page comes with a counting and thinking challenge.Give your child the gift of numbers wrapped in the fascinating world of spooky delights. Turn each page and watch as their eyes light up with excitement and curiosity. Perfect for kids who love a little bit of spookiness, this book is more than a learning tool; it's a ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 29 ratings