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Tanya Dransfield DHP(Adv)
Publisher: Xone Publishing
Pages: 198

The Anxious Attachment Recovery Handbook — like a powerful workbook without wasting pages, just packed with tips and techniques to help you thrive in your relationships.With a foreword by Andrew Mercer, a registered clinical psychotherapist, this book provides expert insights and practical strategies to transform your anxious attachment style. Written by Tanya Dransfield, a psychotherapist with over 25 years of experience, this guide helps readers recognize and overcome the patterns that keep them stuck in insecure relationships.This handbook is not just for those dealing with anxious attachment in dating or family dynamics; it's essential for anyone looking to build confidence and secure attachments in all areas of life, including friendships and workplace interactions. You’ll get real strategies that work, making this more than just another anxious attachment self-help book.In ...
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5 stars from 69 ratings