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Zara J Black
Publisher: Zara J Black
Pages: 321

She's too sweet to ruin - but I must. The Onyx Brotherhood offers me everything - money, resources, and the chance to pursue my research outside of the law. The ancient secret society shapes the world, but there’s a dark price to join.All Brothers must choose a Ward.A captive woman to own, punish, and train to perfect submission. If I refuse, or she fails to perform at my initiation ceremony, I’m dead.Eve is sweet, naive, and addictive. My obsession grows until she’s all I can think about. I watch her from the shadows and imagine her chained at my feet.I can’t do this to my beautiful girl. I shouldn’t steal her from her innocent life.But another man threatens to take what's mine, and all I can see is red.Playtime's over.If you love Shantel Tessier and Stasia Black's twisted worlds, you'll turn feral for the men of the Onyx Brotherhood!Get your copy today!
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 358 ratings