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Kel Kade
Publisher: Dark Rover Publishing, LLC
Pages: 454

Rezkin’s army has been defeated and he is among the dead. Rising in the shadows, Rezkin is free from the shackles of power. But the darkness is his home, and there he stalks his foes. His friends, alone and scattered, face the war with an empty throne. Rumors of Rezkin’s survival spawn hope and discord on the Souelian. Unable to put Rezkin to rest, Azeria chases answers. In the criminal underworld she hunts the Raven, willing to extract the truth in blood.In Lon Lerésh, Yserria and Malcius become entangled in a deadly game. Rezkin’s absence has left the queen vulnerable, and the nobles vie for dominance. Beneath their intrigue and machinations a sinister plot unfolds while an ancient magic hangs in the balance.With his fledgling empire on the brink of collapse and Caydean reigning unchecked, Rezkin must be more than an emperor. He must become the Shadow Knight.
Amazon Rating:
5 stars from 2,044 ratings