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Dr. Josh Madsen
Publisher: Throne Publishing Group
Pages: 73

“In the pivotal section ‘Understanding and Integrating Primitive Reflexes,’ Dr. Josh Madsen unlocks the mysteries of automatic infant movements that are essential for survival but problematic when retained. With clarity and insight, he reveals how these reflexes can obstruct a child’s neurological and developmental progress, impacting their ability to learn and grow. This section doesn’t just explain the science—it provides practical steps and engaging activities to help parents and professionals effectively assess and integrate these reflexes. Discover transformative techniques that pave the way for enhanced learning, better coordination, and emotional balance, allowing every child to live a life without limits. An indispensable guide for anyone dedicated to fostering the full potential of the next generation.”DR. CONNER F. BOR, D.C., DACNB“Taking our son to see Dr. Josh was one of the ...
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