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Stuart Goldstein
Publisher: Pen Paper Press
Pages: 289

A Thrilling Heist Beneath the SurfaceThree levels below a street in New York City lies the world’s largest securities vault. For 40 years, Andy Russo has been its devoted steward. But after decades of mistreatment, Andy reaches a breaking point. Leading his disgruntled team of employees, he devises an audacious plan to steal $100 million in bearer bonds—an inside job no one ever expected.As the heist unfolds, Hurricane Sandy barrels toward the city, threatening to flood the vault and expose their crime. With security closing in and chaos erupting, Andy must navigate a treacherous web of loyalty and desperation. In a world where white employees work above street level and immigrants and minorities toil below, can they outsmart a system designed to keep them down, or will their dreams drown in rising waters?The Vault is a heart-pounding thriller filled with shocking twists and moral ...
Amazon Rating:
4.5 stars from 28 ratings