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Ocean Breeze Adventures
Publisher: unknown
Pages: 182

Experience Costa Rica Like Never Before With Costa Rica Travel and Adventure Guide!From pristine beaches and lush rainforests to the vibrant culture of Pura Vida, Costa Rica is a paradise for nature lovers, eco-conscious travelers, and adventurers. Whether you’re zip-lining through treetops, exploring Monteverde Cloud Forest, or savoring authentic local cuisine, this debut edition ensures your trip is seamless, stress-free, and unforgettable.This comprehensive guidebook features interactive maps, 3- and 5-day itineraries tailored for adventurers and families, and insider tips to help you uncover Costa Rica’s hidden treasures.Inside Costa Rica Travel and Adventure Guide, you’ll discover:Eco-friendly accommodations: Stay in comfort while preserving Costa Rica’s natural beauty.Local secrets and cultural insights: Immerse yourself in the vibrant Pura Vida lifestyle like a true Tico or ...
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5 stars from 3 ratings