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Liz Swann Miller
ASIN: B009UC440G
Publisher: Services LLC
Pages: 70

The Tastiest Green Smoothie Detox Plan In The Universe Fact: Many diet plans tell you to either starve yourself or eat weird tasting foods.  Inspired by her clients and her own personal experiences Author, Naturopath and raw food expert Elizabeth Swann-Miller has created a simple, hour by hour, step by step plan that you can easily follow to get maximum Detox results with minimum effort.  What's So Great About Green Smoothies? Green smoothies are created from a mixture of leafy greens blended with delicious fruits. Leafy greens are packed with next level nutrients like minerals, vitamins, fiber and phytonutrients. Adding fruits to the mix enhances the nutritional value and helps “mask” the taste of the leafy greens, so it's basically a match made in heaven! To make your 3 day detox as tasty as possible, Elizabeth has formulated over 21 recipes that are guaranteed to boost the detox ...
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